Protein Manipulation in feed to Reduce Environmental Impacts
From Broiler 
Development of the livestock industry is currently very rapidly, in line with the human need for meat and eggs. An industry has always demanded friendly and environmentally sound. Livestock industry is an industry that produces biologically primary products such as eggs, meat that is easily damaged and faces that cause pollution. According to statistics the number of broiler in Indonesia in 2010 (BPS, 2010) is 1,249,952,000 hen, if each chicken produces faces 63g/head/day, faces production of broiler is 78.746976 billion g/head/day. For laying hens 103 841 000 hen, if the faces are removed 72.30 g/head/day, the faces production of laying hens in Indonesia is 7,507,704,300 g/head/day. Therefore livestock and the environment harmony will not negotiable, if it does not want to protests and threats from the surrounding environment.
In general, the environmental impact of poultry can be divided into three major categories namely minerals accumulation, the release of ammonia which causes acid rain and chicken carcasses. High content of nitrogen on the faces due to three factors that are also high protein feed, metabolism of uric acid out with feces and urine mixed with the faces due to merging of the sewer. Protein and uric acid which causes undigested microbial enzyme urease to convert it to urea, then degraded to ammonia released in the air.
Environmental issues due to the emission of N, Ca and Av. P originated largely as a result of excess dietary crude protein (CP) and  minerals from  intensive livestock housing systems. The results of previous works suggesting that dietary manipulation including reducing dietary CP of diets in poultry could be a useful tool to reduce NH and consequently, other gas emissions  thus reduce concentration levels of aerial contaminants in impact on  and around poultry production systems.
Protein contained in the feces is the main source of nitrogen. The amount and composition of manure produced by chickens varies and is influenced by age, race, and type of feed. Estimated to produce a broiler chicken manure as much as 0.15 kg per day containing 1.7%4 nitrogen, phosphorus 0.16% and 0.58% potassium (Kumar and Biswar, 1982; Charles and Hariono, 1991).
Developmen of Broiler in Indonesia
Broiler farm businesses were starting to grow again 1997 after the economic crisis in Indonesia. It can be seen from the increase in broiler population from 2004 to 2008 of 16.58%, from about 779 million birds to 902 million head (Ditjenak, 2009) as shown in Table 1.
            Chicken farm is often used as a source of major causes of polluting the environment involved. Therefore, in order the chicken farm into a business friendly environment and efficient, the management of maintenance, housing, and handling of waste should always be considered. According to the Deptan (1991) and Deptan (1994) a farm with a certain population should be equipped with environmental management and monitoring efforts. For the broiler farm, the population of more than 15,000 birds per cycle is located in one location, while for laying hens, a population of more than 10,000 breeding located in one location.

Manure Emision from broiler         
Applegate (2008) state that many of the air emissions from manure come from the degradation of amino acids. For example, the release of NH3 from urinary urea N is caused by the enzymatic conversion of urea by urease in the manure and it can occur within a short time after excretion. Uric acid in manure from poultry is broken down by the enzyme uricase and urease to NH3 (Figure 1). Indoles and phenols come primarily from the degradation of amino acids tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan.

Fontenot et al. (1983) reported that the average production of fresh poultry layer waste was 0.06 kg / day / hen, and dry matter content of 26% while maintaining the broiler manure is removed as much as 0.1 kg / day / hen and content 25% dry material. Average composition of broiler chicken manure based on wet weight are presented in Table 2.
Environmental impacts of Poultry odor Emission
The impact of a poultry farm on the surrounding environment is primarily form the odors released during the decomposition process chicken manure. The smell is coming from a high content of ammonia gas and hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S), dimethyl sulfide, carbon disulfide, and mercaptans. The cause of the emergence of the largest number of livestock odor coming from the various components which include NH3, VOCs, and H2S (NRC, 2003). Compounds that cause odor can be easily formed in anaerobic conditions such as piles of dirt that was still wet. This compound is easily smelled even in very small concentrations. For H2S, the levels of 0.47 mg / l or in konsentarasi part per million (ppm) in air is the concentration limit can still smell the stench. For ammonia, low levels of detectable odor is 5 ppm. However, a person's sensitivity to this odor is not absolute, especially the smell caused by a gas mixture (Charles and Hariono, 1991).
The smell of chicken manure in addition to negatively impact the health of people living in the neighborhood farms, as well as negative impact on livestock and livestock productivity to decline cause. Environmental management of farms are less well able to cause economic losses to the farmers themselves because these gases can lead to decreased productivity chickens while increasing health care costs are causing farmers thinning profit (Pauzenga, 1991).
Reduce crude protein
Gates et al. (2000) studied the effects of reducing crude protein levels below current commercial levels, with simultaneous enhancement of amino acid levels. The results of the study indicate that after three meat chicken flocks were raised on the same litter and diet:
1.    The pH and moisture content was lower for meat chickens on a reduced crude protein and enhanced amino acid diet.
2.    The concentrations of equilibrium ammonia gas and litter total ammoniacal nitrogen was lower (approximately 90 percent and 50 percent lower respectively) on a reduced crude protein and enhanced amino acid diet.
3.    The bird production performance was not compromised on the low crude protein and enhanced amino acid diet (achieving between 1.8 and 2 kg feed/ kg live weight gain).
Elwinger and Svensson (1996) studied the effect of varying dietary protein content on ammonia emission from meat chicken sheds. The results of the study indicate that increasing the dietary protein content increased the ammonia concentrations in the litter and air of a meat chicken shed. However, reduced concentrations of ammonia in the litter do not necessarily lead to the reduction of odour emission rates. Research into the relationship between odour and ammonia concentration has produced varied results. This is due to the complex nature of odour (ie a reduction in ammonia concentrations does not typically correspond to a proportional decrease in odour emission rates).
Angel et al. (2006) investigated further strategies of increasing number of diet phases and supplemental amino acids beyond crystalline Met, Lys, and Thr. For those studies, five flocks of broilers were reared to 42 days of age. Broilers on the control treatment were fed a four phase feeding program with supplemental Met and Lys, whereas the low CP treatment consisted of feeding a six phase feeding program with supplemental Lys, Met, Thr, isoleucine (Iso), valine (Val), Trp, and arginine (Arg). The lowered CP diets with additional feeding phases reduced NH3 emissions by greater than  40%. While increases in dietary phases are commercially feasible, dietary inclusion of supplemental amino acids other than Lys, Met, and Thr is not economically feasible at this time.

Effect of Dietary Crude Protein Fluctuation During Starter Period
            Data regaring the interactive effects of CP by mineral on performance of broiler and retention of these element in the gut of broiler is limited. Therefore, the purpose of this experiment was to study the effect of different dietary CP content alone or in combination with different Ca and Av.P content ( constant Ca to Av.P ratio) on growth and carcas charasteristic N, Ca and P retention and blood parameters of broiler chiken during starter period (Kermanshahi, 2011). 

The effect of CP content on mineral and nitrogen retention and tibia bone parameter on day 21 according Kermanshahi (2011) research. The result showed that dietary CP content had a signifikan effect (P<0,005) on Ca and N retention. No significant effect of the  diet decrease N retention (50,5 in hight CP content vs 63,3% in the control diet) and consequently increased N excretion. These findings are in agreement with those of other who revealed high protein diets may lead to an increase in nitrogen excretion (Aletor, 2000) witch may have a negatif environmental impact.
Effects of Dietary Fiber and Reduced Crude Protein
            Adjusting the diet composition may decrease the amount of NH3 that is lost from laying-hen facilities. Inclusion of feed ingredients with high concentrations of fiber has been shown to lower NH3 emission from pigs, and reduced-CP diets have been shown to decrease N excretion from broilers, and laying hens (Summers, 1993; 1998b; Bregendahl et al., 2002).
Roberts (2007) hypothesized that reducing the dietary CP content and including high-fiber feed ingredients would lower NH3 emission from laying-hen manure. The objectives of this research were to feed diets with a reduced-CP content and additional high-fiber ingredients to laying hens and measure manure NH3 emission, egg production, and N balance. The effects of the dietary treatments on NH3 emission are presented here, with production and N balance data presented separately.

Including high-fiber ingredients in pig diets has been shown to decrease NH3 emission because dietary fiber increases the metabolism and growth of bacterial populations in the large intestine (Kirchgessner et al., 1994). In addition to the energy provided by the fiber, the bacteria also require N, part of which may be acquired from N that would otherwise be excreted as uric acid, thereby shifting theNexcretion from uric acid to bacterial protein. Indeed, when Shriver et al. (2003) fed SH or beet pulp to pigs, N excretion was repartitioned from the urine to the feces. Bacterial enzymes in manure readily degrade uric acid to NH3, which is volatilized (Mackie et al., 1998). In contrast, bacterial protein in the feces is more stable compared with uric acid such that the N will remain in the manure for a longer period of time, thereby lowering NH3 volatilization and improving the fertilizer value of the manure (Canh et al., 1998c).
In the present study, NH3 emission from manure was lowered (P < 0.01) by dietary inclusion of 10.0% corn DDGS, 7.3% WM, or 4.8% SH when measured per kilogram of manure over 7 d compared with manure of hens fed the control diet, with the diet containing corn DDGS resulting in a 50% decrease in NH3 emission (Table 2). Canh et al. (1998b) found that pigs fed high-fiber diets excreted more DM manure than pigs fed a control diet. Inclusion of high-fiber feed ingredients in laying-hen diets may also cause an increase in DM manure excretion because of the possibility of lower DM digestibility Although the DM digestibilities of the diets were not affected by the inclusion of fiber in the present study (Roberts, 2007), NH3 emission was calculated on a per hen basis to account for any potential differences in manure excretion between control- and fiber-fed hens. Regardless of this adjustment, NH3 emission was lower (P ≤ 0.05) from hens fed the fiber diets compared with emission from hens fed the control diet.
The N excretion in manure consists mainly of uric acid and bacterial protein with some urea, NH3, and endogenous N. To determine whether the additional dietary fiber caused a repartitioning of N excretion from uric acid to bacterial protein, the uric acid content of the manure was measured. A decrease in uric acid N as a percentage of total N excretion would suggest an increase in the bacterial- protein N contents of the manure. However, there were no differences (P > 0.10) in uric acid N as a percentage of total N excretion for the manure from fiber-fed hens compared with the manure from hens fed the control diet, suggesting that N was not repartitioned from uric acid to bacterial protein (Roberts, 2007).

Results of this study showed that inclusion of 10% corn DDGS, 7% WM, or 5% SH in laying-hen diets lowered total manure NH3 emission and the NH3 emission rate by up to 50%. This effect was mainly through a decrease in manure pH. When corn DDGS,WM,or SH are included in a commercial laying-hen diet, it is typically because of their contribution of nutrients to the diet or their relatively low cost in least-cost feed formulations. However, this study showed that, in addition to the essential amino acids, minerals, and other nutrients provided by the corn DDGS, WM, and SH, these ingredients also function to lower NH3 emission.
Effects of Dietary Crude Protein and Mineral Content

In the current andexperiment 15% decrease in CP content of the diets significantly (P < 0.05) increased P, Ca and N retention. N retention. Increasing CP content of the diet resulted in a decrease in N retention) and consequently increasing N excretion. These findings are in agreement with those research which revealed that high-protein diets may lead to an increase in nitrogen excretion which has a negative environmental impact (Aletor et al., 2000),. In this study there was a significant effect (P < 0.05) for dietary treatments on tibia ash and those of birds fed Ca and Av. P based dietary treatments Reducing Ca and Av. P content of the diet significantly increased length of tibia which can be attributed to the higher retention of Ca or P in the gut of birds receiving reduced Ca and Av. P diet.
Based on the description above, we can concluted that:
~     Broiler farm businesses were starting to grow again 1997 after the economic crisis in Indonesia.
~     Air emissions from manure come from the degradation of amino acids
~     Addition to the essential amino acids, minerals, and other nutrients provided by the corn DDGS, WM, and SH, these ingredients also function to lower NH3 emission.
~     In poultry use of diets with lower CP could provide a method for lowering N and minerals excretion.
~     Decreasing CP and Ca and Av. P resulted in a significant increase in N, Ca and P retention.

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date Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

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